Therapeutic freebies dun a mochi shake,
Like-minded bribed cribbers of mercy seen
In the appetite for stickiest snacks
Of the immense bird we worship,
Laughing at this staying hunched over
(Oh God! the water's cold) no kind of IOU
Taped to the mirror -- there it is,
Straying into straining after sense.
It doesn't fire the boggle cubes into
An aloofness mistaken for sublimity
For nothing! But it's like a thousand
Dollars a bottle, no wonder it makes
The whole room shake so bad I need a tub
Warm as a pill to come back to. Meanwhile
In Cambridge, they're clutching
And flooring it en route to a cumulus
I've labeled and captioned and wished
To feel on my cheek. Rhetoric is chlorine
To these people (I mean myself),
Tumbling is interiorized Ossining jaunts
Across an emptied-out Army-Navy
Gumbo bowl, it's not a drug at all it's
The competition, the open secret
That feelings of power are what we agree on.
Yankees season tickets. Rachmaninoff. Zep.
More than that, someone paying attention
Whatever that is. Replay in shyness
Those waterfall Ecbatan drive-bys --
Anything but safe, and yet the first plan.