Have some fun with me?
Economy size only
I'm out of trial
I'm just looking at
The movement in the street
And these beautiful
Faces looking at what's on sale
It's cool and dry out
Perfect weather to pass out in
Among our mutual friends
At the mutual fund (I could
Have held that back, actually
And actually moves up
Another three notches
On the charts this week)
Let's go drive a hard bug
Out of the rose it shines along
Near the translators
Explaining themselves Lady Godiva-style
By which I mean to sit
In the sun and eat lunch
Until we have to jump up
Or be consumed by nap
I want I want I want I want to
I'm listening to my language lessons
And then all at once
We're in a water taxi
Properly abandoned by its passing
And now a buoying clause
In the light unemphatic sentence we're
Feeling at one alone together
The glare coming down hard on us
The breeze getting carried away
Among all these examples
Of allegiance to the big word
Some of which move me
To a quiet and basically public thought
We'll postpone a while longer
Is that called forcing a bloom?
And what if it
Knows something,
The fuzz high above the street,
Let's play
As if we understand. Let's
Run downhill as if the field
Were a mile away
And a mile still farther
Than an octave. I just want to hear
That moment decisions become music;
I want to rehearse now.
And now the poem has gotten away,
And we are inside again
Getting back inside ourselves --
But that's what poems do.
I am singing into a tuner,
Watching the arrow hang straight up.
If your eyes meet mine,
I will ask you another question
Much like the last.