Friday, July 02, 2004


Some brain scramblers. For example,
The safety of browsing the dictionary

What good'll it do me
Say that again, good'll it do me
Good'll it do me to rail at the zombies

The half-dead who view
These moments

Who stand up on the lifeguard chair
And view these moments

As occasions not even for memory
To come down from the hills (vegetation)
And hide the scene for excavation later

What good'll it do me
To decry these unliving cautious
Unfeeling karaoke machines of
Just the right cadence and
Just the abstract calm

Their words are like chalkboard scratches to me

When five or six of them are gathered together
Prizes, grants, and fellowships all
Come falling from the pinata

Wouldn't it be magical if it were so

Not much excitement to be felt
Bending the magazine at a horrible angle
And there isn't anyone I particularly want
To inflict these texts upon

How I hope they get
Whatever it is they think this writing will procure
And then, satisfied,
They leave off making verses

Not safe to open the mail while they persist!