Wednesday, July 14, 2004



You have to hear this in abominable stage Irish
To even begin to get an idea of the warm neither
This nor that of the dull bustling fifties, or
The houses that aren't on foreign soil anyway

Danish diplomats cruising the market, I wonder
If Pejk, Rene, or Martin knows them. I Wonder
Dog, a superhero. Down at the light watching
A woman rocking on her toes moving her mouth

Just a little I feel access to my Frenchness,
The woman in a pink top holding the sedan door
Open for a small man in a suit, an ambulance
Rolling forward a few feet to make them room

Global hamadryads, woodnymphs of my yes
An observed indigo conversation with the farmers
Or their representatives only says aye to,
Day in and out as if the world were breathing.