Sunday, May 28, 2006


The stimulation scherzo beg dynamic
Goats out a retiree for motocross ur-glo

It's time for a tag
On the side of the monument

It's time for a quiet walk
Along the edge of the island
In advance of the thunderstorm
In which memory curls its brow

When I knew you were staring

When I lived in heartbroken syntax
As if cause and effect and control
Were tarpaper movie theater days

The dark and the smoke and argument

All that waiting around to find out
If we're alive, who can be a shadow
All morning only to crack grain
On the stone floor in the aftermath

Memory and cinnamon

Baseball cards and giddyup customers

They threatened me with drinking water
They said they'd make me play piano again

I couldn't see the trees
For the stacks of paper

I started up the music box
And disappeared into the tub

Now a long hallway now a wishbone